M01~03 are from "Mothra", composed by Yuji Koseki.
M04~06 are from "Madame White Snake", composed by Ikuma Dan.
M07~11 are from "The Last War", composed by Ikuma Dan.
M12~15 are from "King Kong Escapes", composed by Akira Ifukube.
M16 is from "Submersion of Japan", composed by Masaru Sato.
M17 is from "Prophecies of Nostradamus", composed by Isao Tomita.
M18 is from "ESPY", composed by Masaaki Hirao.
M19 is from "The War in Space", composed by Toshiaki Tsushima.
Script Planning ★ 酒井敏夫, 西脇博光
Production Assstance ★ TOHO CO., LTD., Toho Eizo Bijutsu Co., Ltd.
Cover Design ★ 吉原智明, 磯貝宏國
Production ★ TOHO Records Co., Ltd.
Production Manager ★ 岩瀬政雄
Album was composed by Akira Ifukube / Ikuma Dan / Isao Tomita / Masaaki Hirao / Masaru Sato / Toshiaki Tsushima / Yuji Koseki and was released on April 21, 1985. Soundtrack consists of 19 tracks tracks with duration over about 45 minutes. Album was released by Apollon Music Industrial Corp..
CD 1
1 | 大怪獣モスラ・タイトル | 01:42 | |
2 | モスラ誕生 | 01:47 | |
3 | モスラと渋谷 | 02:30 | |
4 | 白夫人の妖恋・タイトル | 03:43 | |
5 | 法力と白夫人 | 02:03 | |
6 | 白夫人の妖恋・エンディング | 02:53 | |
7 | 世界大戦争・タイトル | 01:49 | |
8 | 発射3秒前 | 01:10 | |
9 | 平和への叫び | 03:02 | |
10 | 最後の一瞬 | 01:35 | |
11 | 世界大戦争・エンディング | 01:20 | |
12 | キングコングの逆襲・タイトル | 01:32 | |
13 | コングとスーザン | 02:43 | |
14 | エレメントX | 03:12 | |
15 | キングコングの逆襲・エンディング | 02:05 | |
16 | 日本沈没・エンディング | 03:21 | |
17 | ノストラダムスの大予言・タイトル | 01:11 | |
18 | 探索 | 02:48 | |
19 | 大魔艦のテーマ | 03:16 | |