First Press bonus includes 12 clear folders (12x12cm) featuring images from the game series.
Contains selected music from the Sengoku BASARA series that have been released thus far.
Sengoku Basara: 1-2
Sengoku Basara 2: 3-5
Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes: 6
Sengoku Basara X: 7
Sengoku Basara Battle Heroes: 8
Sengoku Basara 3: 9-11
Sengoku Basara Chronicle Heroes: 12
Sengoku Basara 3 Utage: 13-14
Sengoku Basara HD Collection: 15
Sengoku Basara 4: 16-17
Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi: 18
Sengoku Basara Sanada Yukimura-den: 19-21
Sengoku Basara Battle Party: 22-26
CHAMY.Ishi: 1-4, 9, 15, 22, 24-25
Yasutaka Hatade: 5
Rei Kondoh: 6-8, 10, 12-13, 16, 19-21, 26
Masahiro Aoki: 11, 14, 17
Sara Sakurai & Rei Kondoh: 18
Sara Sakurai & CHAMY.Ishi: 23
Album was composed by CHAMY.Ishi / Masahiro Aoki / Rei Kondoh / Sara Sakurai / Yasutaka Hatade and was released on October 14, 2020. Soundtrack consists of 26 tracks tracks with duration over . Album was released by Suleputer, Capcom.
CD 1
2 | Driving Rain <桶狭間> | | |
3 | 上田合戦 | | |
4 | 前田慶次のテーマ | | |
5 | 真田幸村のテーマ | | |
6 | T天より降る魔 | | |
7 | 毘沙門天 CROSS.ver | | |
8 | 一揆だ! 一揆だ! | | |
9 | 伊達政宗のテーマ | | |
10 | 天下統一 | | |
11 | 大坂・冬の陣 | | |
12 | 始まりの終わり | | |
13 | 右目の誓い | | |
14 | 猿飛佐助のテーマ | | |
15 | 伊達政宗のテーマ -イメージ映像 Version- | | |
16 | 柴田勝家のテーマ | | |
17 | 島左近のテーマ | | |
18 | 千利休のテーマ | | |
19 | 白き覚悟 | | |
20 | 心 | | |
21 | 必然 | | |
22 | 竜攘虎搏 | | |
23 | 若き案内人 <出雲阿国> | | |
24 | 国主出陣 | | |
25 | 更なる高み | | |
26 | 戦の宴 ~バトルパーティー~ | | |